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contoh kalimat norman mailer

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  • Loomis is married to Hilary Mills, who wrote a biography about Norman Mailer.
    Loomis menikah dengan Hilary Mills, yang menulis sebuah biografi tentang Norman Mailer.
  • The Armies of the Night is a nonfiction novel written by Norman Mailer and published by New American Library in 1968.
    The Armies of the Night adalah sebuah novel nonfiksi yang ditulis oleh Norman Mailer dan diterbitkan oleh New American Library tahun 1968.
  • Among its twenty-nine early notable supporters were William Appleman Williams, Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, James Baldwin, Jean-Paul Sartre, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Waldo Frank, Alan Sagner and Carleton Beals.
    Sekitar dua puluh sembilan pendukung terkenal awalnya adalah William Appleman Williams, Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, James Baldwin, Jean-Paul Sartre, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Waldo Frank.
  • Norman Mailer, in his 1976 book on Miller entitled Genius and Lust, called it "one of the ten or twenty great novels of our century, a revolution in consciousness equal to The Sun Also Rises".
    Norman Mailer, dalam bukunya tentang Miller, Genius and Lust, menyebutnya "salah satu dari sepuluh atau dua puluh novel terbesar dari abad ini".
  • Monroe's contemporary Norman Mailer wrote that "Marilyn suggested sex might be difficult and dangerous with others, but ice cream with her", while Groucho Marx characterized her as "Mae West, Theda Bara, and Bo Peep all rolled into one".
    Orang sezaman Monroe, Norman Mailer menyatakan bahwa "Marilyn mensugestikan seks merupakan hal sulit dan berbahaya bagi orang lain, namun es krim baginya", sementara Groucho Marx mengkarakteristikkannya sebagai "Mae West, Theda Bara, dan Bo Peep yang dicampur jadi satu".